Stretch Marks

By Dr. Nektarios Logaras – Dermatologist / Venereologist.

Stretch marks or streaks are internal scars on the skin. They are palpable or deepened lines of atrophic red skin which later become white and shiny.

The main causes are:

-The weight gain
-The rapid growth in height
-The increase in muscle mass

The most common ages and conditions that stretch marks appear are the following:

-Adolescence in case of abrupt height or weight gain
-During pregnancy and lactation.
-After intense increase in muscle mass from weightlifting.

The most common areas of their appearance are:

-Inguinal regions etc.

A rarer cause of their occurrence is Marfan and Cushing’s syndrome. Stretch marks can also occur after the prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, especially if the ligation is closed. Stretch marks are easier to be treated when they are at an early stage and are red in color. It is necessary to take a detailed history and record of a possible medication as well as their thorough examination, recording, and staging. Digital dermatoscopy almost always reveals damaged bundles of elastin and collagen fibers. They are recorded with the digital dermatoscopy system Foto Finder Bodystudio ATBM.

The electronic recording of stretch marks is a database that allows us to compare and evaluate the results after each treatment. The most effective treatment is the LASER treatment. To make the treatment as painless as possible, we use anesthetic cream, with a closed bandage for about an hour. Then, we apply the appropriate Laser, with the safe and appropriate energy parameters, depending on the area and the extent of the stretch marks, for the safe and effective removal of the damaged Collagen and Elastin fiber bundles and their replacement with new ones.


The most effective treatments that we apply are the following:

-Laser eCO2 and FRAXEL Restore Dual Laser for the safe removal of stretch marks

-Exilis Elite and Mesotherapy for the effective activation of New Collagen and Elastin fibers production

After the end of the laser treatment, we apply a regenerative cream for the immediate remission of redness and irritation. Topical treatments are continued at home, for even better results. It is important to apply moisturizers after the bath, not only for recovery but also for prevention. In our practice, we have also seen significant improvement with special topical treatments.

For even better results, we apply combination therapies, such as LASER and Mesotherapy